1) Bottled Water: A recent University study tested 18 different bottle waters for contaminates and what they found sent shockwaves through the beverage industry. They found traces of 24,520 different chemicals. Some were extremely toxic! Americans dump 23 billion plastic water bottles into landfills that take 700 years to breakdown!
2) Tap Water: The EPA only regulates 104 contaminates in our water supply yet 60,000 chemicals are used in the U.S. Pharmaceutical drugs have been found in the tap water of almost 50 million Americans. People are realizing the immense dangers of ingesting a toxic cocktail of flouride, chlorine, chloramines, pharmaceuticals and many other toxic compounds found in municipal water supplies.
3) Filtered Tap Water: Most water filters are made of granulated carbon which are very ineffective in removing contaminates. Almost immediately they lose their effectiveness plus the water is acidic, lifeless, oxidizing, and not very absorbable.
Change your Life in the next 30 days by drinking Alkaline Water: - Lose Weight - Increase Energy Levels - Reduce Toxic Medications - Relieve Aches and Pains - Improved Sleep - Eliminate Acid Re-flux - Reduce symptoms of Arthritis - Normalize Blood Pressure - Relieve symptoms of Gout - Improve focus and concentration - Overcome Digestion and Elimination Issues - Overcome Ulcers/ Diabetes/ Kidney Stones/ Colitis/ Many More...
Watch this amazing video on how dehydration and different waters effect your blood at the cellular level. See proof of how Alkaline Water can transform your body & health!